What is “Ahon Mahirap”?


Have you heard about “Ahon Mahirap“?

It’s a new advocacy group in the Philippines aimed in alleviating poverty through social justice, financial literacy, and economic empowerment, as stated in their website.

Founded in 2020, Ahon Mahirap aims to “create a society where every Filipino has the opportunity to achieve a dignified and equitable life“.

Ahon Mahirap
Ahon Mahirap Advocacy Group

Further scroll into their website shows the group’s mission, vision, and key initiatives  as the following:

Mission & Vision

Ahon Mahirap advocates for a more just and equitable society, dedicated to alleviating the suffering caused by poverty in all its forms. Guided by their unwavering commitment to social justice, equity, and compassion, their mission is to marshal the resources, knowledge, and empathy to create tangible and sustainable change. Through their collective efforts, they strive to foster self-reliance, restore human dignity, and create a society where every Filipino thrives. This mission is not just their duty, it is their solemn promise to the people of the Philippines as well.

Furthermore, they envision a Philippines where every individual, regardless of their background and circumstance, has the opportunity to lead a life of dignity, prosperity, and fulfillment. A society where poverty is but a distant memory, and the principles of social justice, equity, and compassion are the cornerstones of their collective journey towards progress and harmony.

Ahon Mahirap Website
Ahon Mahirap Website

Key Initiatives

1. Social Justice: Ahon Mahirap believes in creating an inclusive society where everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources. Policies include:

    • Strengthening the social safety net to protect vulnerable populations.
    • Advocating for the rights of marginalized communities, including women, youth, and the LGBTQ+ community.

2. Financial Literacy: Empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to manage their finances is crucial for economic independence. Initiatives will include:

    • Launching financial education programs in schools and communities.
    • Partnering with financial institutions to provide accessible resources and training.

3. Economic Empowerment: Economic growth must be inclusive and benefit all sectors of society. Ahon Mahirap will:

    • Support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through grants, and mentorship programs.
    • Promote job creation by investing in infrastructure projects and green industries.
Wilbert Tolentino
Influencer and Social Media Personality Wilbert Tolentino is the founder of the group
Ahon Mahirap van
Ahon Mahirap van in one of their activities

Joining the Group

Ahon Mahirap invites all Filipinos who share their vision of a just and equitable society to join in their mission. Together, they aim to build a future where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and live with dignity.

Know more about Ahon Mahirap‘s programs & projects, and how to get involved on their website at ahonmahirap.com.

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What can you say about Ahon Mahirap? Have you encountered the advocacy group before? There are some hearsays that the group may run as a partylist for congress in the future. Have joined or experienced any of their advocacy groups in the past months?  Share them with us in the comment section below!

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Jonel Uy

Jonel is one of the contributors of Good News Manila (GNM), led by new EIC and sister Jamie Uy. He is a Social Media Consultant at DigitalCircles influencer marketing agency, Jonel also teaches IT at a local college in the Philippines and is the founder of BloggerManila.com and SeatsForTwo.com, among others.


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